Protecting You In Child Custody And Child Support Cases
At Capps & Byrd LLP in Morristown, our lawyers are here to support you. We provide honest advice about your situation and will guide you through all aspects of your case. Our goal is to find a resolution that works for you and your children. To do this, we get to know you and learn about your relationship with your kids and your expected goal at the end of your case. We will then evaluate all potential options and work hard to help you achieve those goals.
Protecting Your Time With Your Children
Our attorneys are strong advocates for your custody rights and goals. We will help you explore your options involving child custody and your specific parenting plan. In most cases, the court wants parents to share custody. This means each parenting should get roughly an equal amount of time in the parenting plan. This approach does allow for parenting plans to be as unique and creative as parents see fit. Parents are able to be flexible with their schedules as long as it is in the best interests of the child.
In some cases, a 50-50 custody split is not ideal. We will guide you through the parenting time process so your rights and interests are protected while also protecting the best interests of your children.
Our lawyers have more than 60 years of combined experience handling child custody and support issues. We know how to find creative solutions that will work for you and your ex. We will help you understand your options and find a solution that works for your family.
Determining Child Support
Child support is calculated according to Tennessee child support guidelines. The law states that parents have the duty to provide financial support to help take care of their children. We will help you understand your financial obligations and what you can expect in your case. We will advocate for a child support arrangement that works for you. We can also represent you if you are facing a contempt of court for failure to pay child support.
Questions? Contact Us For A Consultation.
We provide personal advice and representation to fit your needs. Custody and support issues are difficult to navigate on your own. We will advocate for you and help you every step of the way. To arrange a consultation, call 423-616-1921 or send us an email. Hablamos español.