Car crashes occur all too frequently in Tennessee, especially during the winter months when snow, ice and sleet can pose special dangers on the road. Should you become the victim of one, you could also become one of the 286,000 people who suffer a traumatic brain injury in a car crash each year in the United States.
If you injure your head or neck during your crash, your resulting TBI could be a catastrophic occurrence that leaves you with lifelong symptoms and disabilities. This is because the impact of your crash makes your head jerk violently back and forth, causing your brain to likewise move violently back and forth inside your skull. The resulting injuries it sustains to its numerous delicate tissues and nerves may cause it to malfunction, either temporarily or permanently.
More than just a bump on the head
Unfortunately, you are not the person most qualified to determine whether or not the bump you receive on your head during your car crash is only a minor injury or a TBI. Only a qualified trauma specialist has the knowledge, skill and test equipment needed to make a definitive diagnosis. If your head bump does indeed rise to the level of a TBI, the sooner you begin receiving treatment, the better chance you have of heading off a lifelong disability.
Since no two TBIs are exactly the same, even when similar in nature, the symptoms you exhibit may or may not be the same as other people’s. In addition, TBI symptoms, especially the early ones, can be quite generalized in nature. Consequently, be on the lookout for any of the following symptoms that occur immediately after your accident and/or up to a month afterward and report them to your doctor right away:
- Eye problems such as blurry or double vision
- Ear problems such as ringing in your ears
- Speech problems such as slurred words or the inability to say certain words
- Coordination and/or balance problems
- Memory and/or cognitive problems
- Psychological problems such as frequent mood swings, increased irritibility or anger, the onset of anxiety or depression, etc.
Depending on the type and severity of your TBI, your medical bills could immediately skyrocket. Not only may you require a substantial hospital stay, you may also require a significant period of physical, occupational and/or speech therapy. In a worst case scenario, you could require the lifetime care of others.